Amos Freedy Ph.D.

Amos Freedy Ph.D. 

Chief Technology Officer, Perceptronics Solutions

Dr. Amos Freedy is President and Chief Technology Officer of Perceptronics Solutions, Inc., where he specializes in initiating, planning and managing technology development and production programs. These programs involve a combination of engineering and behavioral disciplines, with special emphasis on AI, Robotics and cognitively aided human-computer systems. Perceptronics project areas of focus include autonomous UAV control for tactical EW and kinetic operations, automated maneuvers planning, RF emitter detection and identification and AI enabled training scenario generation and urban stability assessment in zones of US Army overseas operations.

Prior to founding Perceptronics Solutions in 2002 together with Dr. Gershon Weltman, Dr. Freedy was President and Chief Operating Officer of Perceptronics, Inc., a public corporation which he also co-founded with Dr. Weltman. At Perceptronics, Inc., Dr. Freedy served as a principal investigator on numerous AI-based decision modeling and aiding programs for defense agencies and commercial firms. His main role was management of projects through proof of concept and field implementation including software development and hardware system design and integration. Dr. Freedy directed a multi-year program for DARPA and ONR establishing the pioneering principles and practice of computer-based military decision aiding. This work included over $250 million in R&D and production projects for DOD and other defense and commercial agencies and organizations. This involved ground-breaking development of AI-ML enabled decision support system and human-autonomy control methods as well as the PGTS family of portable videodisc-based gunnery trainers, as well as the SIMNET system for combined arms training, which pioneered the use of large-scale virtual reality networked simulation and effectively changed the way the world’s military forces train. SIMNET technology was transitioned to the Army and lead to a billion-dollar procurement. 

Prior to founding Perceptronics Inc, Dr. Freedy was a research engineer and an adjunct assistant professor at the UCLA School of Engineering where he directed on seminal research work on the application of machine learning to robotics, as well innovative control schemes for artificial limbs which received national publicity on the Walter Cronkite’s CBS TV program “The Twentieth Century”. 

Dr. Freedy is a Senior Member of IEEE and has served as Chairman of the Man-Machine Committee and of the Decision Subcommittee for the IEEE Systems, Man and Cybernetics professional society. He has published over 100 technical and strategic articles, papers, reports and book chapters. He received his  B.S., M.S. and Ph.D. in from UCLA School of Engineering and Applied Science.


Lars Karlsson


Gershon Weltman, Ph.D.