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Space Systems
Multifunction and rapidly reconfigurable
We are developing leading edge, RF capabilities for improved Space Situational Awareness
Our expertise in providing MOSA solutions enables accelerated development and production to outpace the threat.
We specialize in providing advanced software with EW signal processing and AI/ML to manage the electromagnetic operational environment at the tactical edge.
Capabilities & Solutions:
Moonraker Payload
Moonraker is a mission-flexible, rapidly deliverable modular open systems approach (MOSA) radio frequency (RF) payload designed for Space Situational Awareness (SSA). It fundamentally changes the cost, schedule, and employment concept for responsive space missions and enables a broad set of payload applications and missions. Launching in Q1 2026.
Host of sophisticated algorithm set providing advanced detection, direction finding (DF), target tracking, and more
Wide Baseband sampling, rapidly tunable signals of interest
AI/ML enabled autonomous operations
Nighthawk Payload
Nighthawk is a multi-mission capable Radio Frequency (RF) payload designed for Electromagnetic Support Operations (EMSO). It provides Electronic Sensing, RSO Detect, Track, Direction Finding, Characterize, Alert, Pattern-of-life and anomaly detection.
In dynamic threat environments, new, never-before-seen threats may emerge, and adversaries may use deceptive tactics, which pose a significant risk to force protection and mission success.
We focus on overcoming these challenges by developing and deploying AI/ML software services that employ a variety of novel techniques and algorithms for sensor fusion, classification, and anomaly detection from diverse sensor types and data sources. These capabilities can be integrated into a variety of Command, Control, Communications, Computers and ISR to support different missions and CONOPs. We optimize our algorithms to operate on MOSA-based hardware at the tactical edge.