We provide a comprehensive, fully interoperable portfolio of Modular Open Standards Approach (MOSA) hardware, software, and mission-critical systems, aligned with the SOSA standards, for applications in aerospace, defense and commercial industries.
Our Offerings
Plug In Cards
3U VPX SOSA–Aligned Plug-In Cards
Software Defined Radio (SDR) Product Family
Single Board Computer (SBC) Family
Switch Product Family
Digital Signal Processing (DSP) Family
PNT Product Family
COMMS Product Family
Chassis Products
OpenVPX Chassis
U.S. Army & Air Force Open Standards
Combines RF & Processing Subsystems
Multiple Security Enclaves
Modular, Rapid Upgrades
Mission Systems
Communications and Electronic Warfare Mission-Critical Systems
Multi-Waveform C2 Systems
Multi-Function Electronic Warfare Systems
Integrated CMOSS Systems
Mission Ready Systems
Mission Applications
Integrated COMMS & EW
COMMS Protocol Gateway
Automatic COMMS Routing
Cognitive Radio
Machine Learning Sensors
SIGINT Analytic Tool Engine
Battlefield Spectrum Situational Awareness (SA)
Beamforming COMMS/EW
Coordinated SIGINT/EW
Solutions Spotlight
SX-3000 (CMFF System)
The SX-3000 CMOSS Mounted Form Factor (CMFF) system brings together Pacific Defense plug-in cards, chassis, and application software to support the U.S. Army's CMFF program. Designed with open architecture standards, it minimizes size, weight, power and cost (SWaP-C) and ensures commonality across multiple platforms. The system, based on the "SAVE" standard, integrates power, networking, and RF distribution within a 9-slot chassis that supports diverse payload cards, all compliant with MOSA, VICTORY, CMOSS, and SOSA standards.
Open Architecture
Leveraging open architecture, the SX-3000 reduces SWaP-C while promoting interoperability across different platforms through standardization.
Modular Approach
It utilizes the Modular Open Systems Approach (MOSA) with VICTORY interface for seamless data sharing, supporting CMOSS and SOSA-compliant systems.
9-Slot Chassis
The versatile 9-slot chassis accommodates Pacific Defense or third-party payload cards, such as SDR, DSP, or GPU, tailored with software to meet specific mission requirements.